原文 When you give up, when you no longer want something, or when you do not try to do anything special, then y ...
原文 When you give up, when you no longer want something, or when you do not try to do anything special, then y ...
原文 如果你无法从你那儿发现真理,你又期待在哪儿找到它呢? 出处 道元禅师(Dogen)(日1200-1253),日本佛教曹洞宗 ...
原文 God, whose love and joy are present, everywhere, can't come to visit you unless you aren't there. 翻译 上 ...
原文 Sitting here on the porch, watching the sun go down. Except there is no watcher, just the sun, setting, se ...
原文 刀剑可以切断许多东西,但无法将自己切为两半;眼睛可以看见许多东西;但无法看到它自己。 出处 《薄伽梵歌(Bhag ...
原文 致虚极也,守静笃也,万物并作,吾以观其复也。夫物芸芸,各复归于其根。归根曰静,静,是谓复命。复命常也,知常 ...
原文 Nasrudin was returning from a pilgrimage, still many daysjour-ney from home, when his old donkey finally d ...
原文 Whatever you can see cannot be the Seer. Everything you know about yourself is precisely not your Self, th ...
原文 The separate self, the ''little man within,'' is composed entirely of memories. 翻译 孤立的自我,那个“内在 ...
原文 一般来说,我们都喜欢从各种管道搜集信息,以为这是增加知识的方法。但实际上,这种方法到头来往往让我们落得一无 ...
原文 I have eatenthe plumsthat were inthe icebox and whichyou were probablysavingfor breakfast forgive methey w ...
原文 One thought follows another without interruption.But if you allow these thoughts to link up to a chain,you ...
原文 A man who had heard that Nasrudin was very wise, decided to makea journey to see him. 'I can learn somethi ...
原文 作为一位专业网球指导者,我所学到的第一件事,就是不要去挑剔学员的任何错误,甚至是他的打法。所以我停止了批评 ...
原文 “自我”是控制、操纵、自主与意志活动的根源。事实上,“自我”经常只有在「自主」的过程中才能定义。而身体基本上是 ...